Sunday 18 March 2012

Allah Hu Akbar!!! Allah Sangat Sayangkan Saya.....

It is a long time for me didn't write in my blog... Now I'm start to write in new blog, with 'new hoping', share new thing and try to improve my past...

What was happened to me last weekend teached me a lot that Allah still love me, never forget me... How lucky I'm.... Hu hu hu..

Saya sedar sebelum ini that when Allah nak tarik something from us, it just sekelip mata but never merasanya... dan apabila saya melaluinya, i can feel bahawa saya sangat beruntung coz still get the second opputinity....

Thank you Allah.... Thank you Allah.... Thank you Allah.... Ampunkan dosa2 saya dan keluarga saya... Lindungilah kami sekeluarga daripada api neraka-Mu.... Payungilah kami dengan rahmat dan redha Mu.... Ameeen....